- 聖山修行 |
- 聖水 |
- 朝聖分享 |
- 聖石 |
人生在世追求什麼?留下一點光,留下一點熱,為社會,為讓你的土地,做一點事,有地球的存在你才能生存,保護地球是當務之急。要解決當務之急先要解決人的思想問題,健康問題,做人才有希望,否則人生就沒有希望。... [详细]
文/克莉絲汀·斯勞特 |
Dearest, Namo Purple Halo Guru,
I wish to thank you sincerely for inviting me to this very special occasion, your birthday celebration. Also, for including me and my prayers in the beautiful meditation healing blessings. I do practice meditation, self healings and healings for others. I have had cancer and have practiced natural healing methods. I did have a mastectomy, but I choose natural medicines and healing ways. I do not choose chemotherapy or radiation. I was diagnosed cancer free after surgery due to practicing natural methods of healing for months before the surgery and continue this path. I believe we all are of the same Creator.
I should like to tell you that I did "see" white light "dancing flashes" during your blessings as well as a steady glowing red light that stayed until I opened my eyes. I will look forward to learning the meaning of the white dancing light as well as the red glowing light in its center. I thank you from my heart for this experience and for the direction it will take me on along this point on my life path.
I am very blessed and very grateful for you and all of the monks and everyone for your journey here to America and into my life.
Thank you so very much.
Christine M. Slaght